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Health # 1

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which is more healthy? sitting on a couch going for walks
going for walks
WHen you are angry you should... figure out why just stay angry
figure out why
Learning how to deal with anger and emotions means you have good... physical or emotional health
How you feel each day is important to your health? true or false
Having friends and treating others nice means you have good.. physical health social health
What is a good way to deal with anger if you made a friend mad? don't talk to them apologize
What is a good strategy to calm yourself down? breathe slowly breath fast
breath slowly
WHat is a good way to deal with anger? have some ice cream draw or do something fun
draw or do something fun
What happens when you get angry? You feel good your heart rate may go up
heart rate may go up
What is a bad way to handle anger? dont talk about it breathe
dont talk about it
What is a good way to handle anger? Yell at friend talk to friend about what made you mad
What is a good way to deal with anger? break things stop and think
stop and think
WHich one is an emotion? excited smart fast
Which one is an EMOTION? athletic smart happy
Which one is an emotion? smart angry athletic
What does mindfulness mean? jogging or paying attention/ breathing
paying attention/breathing
What is healthy? french fries apple
Which is not a part of health? physical health emotional health homework
There are 3 parts of health. What shape would represent the parts of health