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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The door will ______ open when you go near it as it works based on a sensor system. (1) dramatically (2) gradually (3) ultimately (4) automatically
(4) automatically
The spectators can ___________ tell the two teams apart according to the colour of the jerseys the players are wearing. (1) easily (2) basically (3) approximately (4) accordingly
(1) easily
The nurse _________ dabbed away the blood on the wound and put a plaster over it. (1) gently (2) intensely (3) courteously (4) forcefully
(1) gently
Sarah ________ left the tea reception after receiving an urgent call from her husband. (1) carefully (2) sneakily (3) quietly (4) rashly
(3) quietly
Howard laughed _________ as he promised he would jump into the river if he could not pass his examinations. (1) jeeringly (2) jokingly (3) blindly (4) bitterly
(2) jokingly
Magdalene smiled ______________ in front of the camera as she received her trophy on stage. (1) prettily (2) persistently (3) permanently (4) proudly
(4) proudly
The treasure chest had been ________ buried in the old man's backyard for the past twenty years. (1) secretly (2) silently (3) slowly (4) strangely
(1) secretly
Ricky is a hardworking boy who will do his homework ___________ every night. (1) intelligently (2) diligently (3) smartly (4) carefully
(2) diligently
The teacher ___________ spent two hours trying to explain the concept to her student. (1) patiently (2) politely (3) impatiently (4) efficiently
(1) patiently
The waitress asked us _________ what we would like to have for dinner. (1) lightly (2) formally (3) lovingly (4) politely
(4) politely
Natalie jumped in fright when the door shut __________ with a bang. (1) quickly (2) slowly (3) abruptly (4) effortlessly
(3) abruptly
_______________, Angela turned up for work on time, despite going home late after a party the night before. (1) Expectedly (2) Surprisingly (3) Suddenly (4) Abruptly
(2) Surprisingly