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First Conditional Game

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I will eat dinner tonight, if my mother _________ food for me.
Teacher Jeff will dance if he ___________ (listen) to rap music.
________ she __________ (die) if she jumps off the mountain?
will she die
If I __________ ( - have ) money, then I won't buy an iPhone
don't have
If I never study, then I ____________ (- get) good scores on my exam.
won't get
If I see a pokemon, I ___________ it!
will catch
If I am hungry later, I ____________ Holy Basil Pork.
will eat
The opposite of polite is ...
The opposite of easy-going is ....
I will be tired if I __________ 5 kilometers.
If I watch a horror movie, I _________ (be) scared.
will be
I will be angry if my computer _______ (- work)
doesn't work
If I don't do my homework, my teacher ___________ (be) bad-tempered.
will be
If my brother ______________ (- eat) breakfast, he will be bad-tempered all day.
doesn't eat
If it __________, I will stay at home.
If my cat falls in the river, I ____________ (jump) in to save it.
will jump
What movie ________ you ________ if you go to the cinema?
will you see/watch
If Monkey D. Luffy is tired tonight, he ________ for 15 hours.
will sleep
If I have free time tomorrow, I _______ (play) video games.
will play
If my keyboard breaks, I _________ (- type) an email.
won't type