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Think tank 2C

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do banks often lose people’s money?
Abby is saving money to buy a new video game. Abby saves $8 every month. She saves for 4 months. The video game costs $30. Does Abby have enough money saved to buy it?
Beth goes to the bank to take out some of her money. She has $45 saved at the bank. She takes out $22. How much money does Beth have left in the bank?
Alice always spends the money she gets. She does not have a plan for saving. Matt tells her she should always have a plan for saving. Alice does not think it is important to save. Who is correct, Alice or Matt?
Which of the following is NOT a reason to save money in the bank?
It takes time to get your money out of a bank.
Matt is saving money to buy new football shoes. They cost $40. If Matt saves $20 every month, how many months will it take him to have enough money to buy the shoes?
2 months
Sarah put $50 in the bank. She left it there for a year. When she went back to the bank to check on it, the bank told her she now had $53! How much did her money grow in 1 year?
A good plan is to save $1 out of every $5 that you get. Jonathan received $20. How much of it should he save in his piggy bank?
A pink jar where kids keep their money safe
piggy bank
When you keep some money that you get...
saving money
a place where adults keep their money safe
When a bank helps you add more money to what you save is called?
growing money