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Melting Away

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is causing the increase in carbon dioxide in the air?
Cars, factories, industrialization.....teacher checks answer.
What do trees use carbon dioxide for?
To make there own food.
Why is cutting down trees such a problem?
Carbon dioxide hangs around in the air.
What does atmosphere mean?
The air and space surrounding earth.
What do the fish need to do when the reef dies?
They need to find a new home.
What is happening to the colour of the reefs?
They are turning white
What is a reef?
Chain of rocks or coral in the ocean.
What is happening to the number of penguins being born?
They are dropping.
What issues are penguins facing?
They are having a hard time finding a place to lay eggs
What is an avalanche?
When snow crashed down from a mountain
Which animals are effected by melting glaciers?
Teacher checks answer
How many degrees has the earth heated up since 1850?
One degree Fahrenheit
What is global warming?
Teacher checks answer.
What does temperature mean?
The hotness or coldness of something.
Complete the sentence. Water from the glacier has formed a new ____ in the park.
How many glaciers are at the Glacier National Park?
What happens to glaciers when the weather heats up?
They melt.
What is soil?
The dirt in which plants grow.
How do people often describe glaciers?
Rivers of ice
What does melt mean?
Turn to liquid.
What is a glacier?
A large body of ice that moves on land.
What is happening to temperatures worldwide?
They are rising.
Who wrote Melting Away?
Glen Phelan
What is an environmental report?
Teacher checks answer.