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Graphic Novel Workshop

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Dialogue, thoughts, and sound effects are normally found in ___________.
____________ provides readers with a place to pause. They may also show jumps in time, setting, and/or characters.
Panels in Manga are read ______ to _______.
right to left
Panels in the United States are read from _______ to _______.
Left to Right
Why are some panel boarders shown as dots or waves?
Dream sequences
What shape are panels in graphic novels?
squares or rectangles
What is the term for graphic novels that are created in Japan?
The 1980s produced three popular graphic novels. Identify one of these graphic novels.
The Dark Knight Returns, Watchmen, Maus
During the 1970s, ________ _________ were created. They had sophisticated stories that were geared toward older audiences.
Graphic Novels
What was the name of the comic strip that was created by Charles Schulz? It features characters such as Charlie Brown and Snoopy.
What event caused comic books to be more violent and gruesome?
What was the name of the popular comic book that was published by Action Comics in 1938?
The first comic books appeared in the 19__s.
An example of an early comic strip from the 1930s:
Tarzan, Terry and the Pirates, Dick Tracy, or Flash Gordan
Early comic strips were about everyday life. What was the one thing that they did that we see as unusual today?
They aged.
During the 1800s newspapers often featured ________ _______. They often pointed out the flaws of everyday life or politics.
Political Cartoons
The _________ ___________ made it easy to distribute printed information.
Printing Press
Dyed _______ or silk was woven together to create tapestries.
__________ panels were used to create stories around the world.
Stories that were painted on plaster covered walls are called ______________.
The Ancient Romans liked to use a lot of tiny tiles to create _____________.
The Ancient Greeks told stories on ________.
Ancient Egyptians told stories through ___________.
Oral tradition involves stories that are told ___________.
through speech or song
Ninety percent of information that is transmitted to our brain is ___________.