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3rd Quarter Review
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What happens to objects when there is motion?
The objects' positions are changed. / They are moving
Why do we need to know the sirens of different vehicles like firetruck and ambulance?
These sounds give warning to us.
Give one thing that heat energy can do.
Answer varies
Give an object that is an electricity's conductor.
Human / Water / Answer varies
Does friction make pushing slow? Yes or No?
What forms of energy does the sun give most on Earth?
Heat and Light
Give an example of insulator.
wood / rubber
Static electricity is the form of electricity that flows in a circuit. True or False.
What slows you down and does not make you go really fast when sliding?
Give one possible effect if the Earth would have no gravity.
Answer varies
Why do we hear sounds when we strum the strings of a guitar?
Strumming the guitar creates vibrations which enter our ears making us hear sounds.
The sun, stars, and the fireflies give light. What do we call those lights?
Natural lights
What do you call the lights made by human?
Artificial lights
Name one energy and one source of that energy.
Answer varies
What does a magnet do?
It can attract or repel some objects.
What poles do we need to make two magnets REPEL each other?
Two North poles / Two South pole / Same poles
What poles do we need to make two magnets attract each other?
North pole and South pole / Opposite poles
Give one non-luminous object.
Chair / Table / Answer varies
How do you see object?
...through light
If there is no friction, what could happen?
Answer varies