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Adults 4 File 2B revision 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name two shops where you can get your hair groomed.
Barber’s or barbershop and hairdresser’s
What type of shop is Zara?
A clothes chain store.
If you want to make sushi on St Valentine’s Day you need to visit two local shops.
A fishmonger’s and a florist’s
Fresh fruit and vegetables are always fresher in a local..
If your rug needs cleaning, you can take it to a...
If you washing machine breaks down, you can always run down the nearest...
If you want to buy, sell or rent a house the best place to start is...
A real estate agent’s.
This is the store you need to visit if you’re interested in fixing something at home?
The DIY store or the hardware store.
These are the two local shops (supermarket is not allowed) you need to go to if you want to make a Spanish ham sandwich?
A baker’s and a deli.
Rephrase the sentence: Where is your car? Where is that car...
Where is that car of yours?
Rephrase the sentence: Eva has got a very interesting story. This is an interesting story...
This is an interesting story of Eva’s.
Explain this sentence: They are my sister’s boyfriends.
My sister has two or more boyfriends - lucky her.
Explain this sentence: They are my sisters’ boyfriends.
The sisters have a different boyfriend each.
Explain this sentence: They are my brother’s girlfriends.
My brother has two or more girlfriends - lucky him.
Rephrase the sentence: kike and Pedro are friends. Kike is...
Kike is a friend of pedro’s.
Rephrase the sentence: I love sushi. Sushi is a
Sushi is a love of mine.
What word beginning with the letter ‘O’ can we use after a possessive adjective for emphasis? Susana has her o... business.
My children’ toys are all over the living room. Right or wrong?
Wrong! After an irregular plural not ending in -s, we form the possessive with ‘s, for example, my children’s toys.
Both my cars’s radios need replacing. Right or wrong?
Wrong! After a plural noun ending in -s, we form the possessive with a final ‘, for example, both my cars’ radios.
Jesus’s or Jesus’ middle-name is Mary. Are both options correct?
Yes!If a name ends with -s, we form the possessive with ‘ or ‘s.