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The land of stories

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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: How old was Alexe's and Conner's cousin
What does Alex and Connor’s mom make them do before they go into the Galaxy Queen
take a picture in their spacesuits
Where do all of the soldiers and the twins’ friends get turned into stone
The cave
What is Alex and Connor’s cousin’s name
Where was Jack and Goldilock’s baby Hero born?
Bree's story cemetery of the undead
How does Alex get “possessed” by Morina and the witches?
She gets the mirror dust in her eyes and her lungs in the hospital bathroom
what are the main characters names?
Alex and Conner Bailey
who is uncle Loyd's brother and what is his name
John Bailey
Who is the Grandma of Aurora
Who is the step-mother of snow-white what is her real name
what is froggy's real name
Prince Charlie
How many wishing spell items are there
who was Alex's first crush
Who is the masked man
Uncle Loyd