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Science 1 Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What happens to an object if you pull it?
It moves closer to you.
How does electricity help us?
Answer varies
Name one object that a magnet repels.
paper / plastic bottle
Name one object that can be moved by a magnet.
magnet / paper clips
Name one object that can be moved by running water.
Rubber / boat
Name one object that can be moved by the wind.
Name one object that needs ELECTRICITY to work.
Computers / Answer varies
What is the force that slows down moving objects?
Name something that gives light.
Name something that gives heat.
Sun / matches
Name an object that produces SOFT SOUND.
Bird / bee
Name an object that gives LOUD SOUND.
What happens when an object is in motion?
It is moving. / Its position is changed.
Why do you not float after jumping?
It is because of the gravity.
What type of light does a flashlight give? Artificial or natural?
Does the sun give a natural or an artificial light?
Natural light
Give an object that gives NATURAL LIGHT.
Sun / star
Give one object that needs electricity.
TV / Computer
Why do objects fall even if you throw them upwards?
Gravity pulls them down.
Perform an activity where pulling is done.
Answers vary
Perform an activity where pushing is done.
(Pushing a chair / Answers vary)