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Simple Present Tense

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They _____ after breakfast every day. (get dressed)
They get dressed after breakfast every day.
Peter ____ a book every night. (read)
Peter reads a book every night.
Sandra ______ very early every day. (take a shower)
Sandra takes a shower very early every day.
Dante _____ at the school every day. (have breakfast)
Dante has breakfast at school every day.
We ____ at 10:00 every Sunday. (get up)
We get up at 10:00 every Sunday.
Mary and Susan _____ at 7:00 every day. (have breakfast)
Mary and Susan have breakfast at 7:00 every day.
Mary ______ at 9:00 every day. (arrive to the office)
Mary arrives to the office at 9:00 every day.
They _____ very early every day. (get up)
They get up very early every day.
My brother _____ in 5 minutes every day. (get dressed)
My brother gets dressed in 5 minutes every day.
I ______ every day. (wait for the bus)
I wait for the bus every day.
Karla ____ the newspaper every day. (read)
Karla reads the newspaper every day.
You ____ at 8:00 every day. (return home)
You return home at 8:00 every day.
She _____ the bus next to the bakery. (get off)
She gets off the bus next to the bakery.
Thomas ______ every day. (go to work)
Thomas goes to work every day.
We _____ very well every night. (sleep)
We sleep very well every night.
She _____ to work every day. (take the bus)
She takes the bus to work every day.
I _____ every day. (take a shower)
I take a shower every day.