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Paleolithic, Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Age

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Enormous blocks of stone or __________, were the most important art forms from the Bronze and Iron Age
Species of _______ walked on their back legs.
Gorillas, chimpanzees and human beings all belong to a group of mammals called __________.
____________ began with the appearance of the first human beings and ended with the appearance of writing.
The dates of the most religious celebrations were established around the _________ calendar.
The most powerful position in a town was held by the military ___________.
What do you call the violent attacks by neighboring villages or nomads?
Due to the prosperity created by trade, the populations of the villages grew and became __________.
When harvests were abundant, surplus products were exchanged between neighbouring villages. This activity is called __.
During the Bronze Age, an alloy was created to make bronze. It is a mixture of _________ and ___________.
copper and tin
What are the three periods of the Bronze and Iron Age?
Copper, Bronze and Iron Age
The Bronze and Iron Age began when ________ was discovered in the Near East in around 4000 B.C.
Burials became common and families remembered and venerated the dead. This is called __________ worship.
During the Neolithic Period, the Sun, water and stars were deified to control the ____________.
forces of nature
During the Neolithic Period, Men hunted for food while women looked after ________.
agriculture and livestock
Give an example of the craftsmanship developed during the Neolithic Period.
Basket Making, Pottery, Spindles and looms.
Look at the image. What do you call this area where one of the earliest Neolithic settlements was found?
Fertile Crescent
Neolithic groups abandoned their nomadic way of life and became ___________.
In the Neolithic Period, humans began to sow ________ and ________.
wheat and barley
In the Neolithic Period, human beings changed from being predators to food _________.
The _____________ Period began when humans learned how to cultivate land and domesticate animals.
________ stones were made by rubbing them with a harder stone to smooth the surface.
The ____________ period was a period of transition between the Paleolithic and Neolithic Age in Europe and Iberian Peninsula
The Homo ________ spread from Africa across all the continents. They are also responsible for the first works of art.
The _______ period means 'new stone'
The _______ period means 'old stone'
___________ refers to the series of changes that occurred in some ancient primates and led to the appearance of modern humans
The humans in the Paleolithic lived a ________ life. They moved around in search of animals to hunt.