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Stay x be x get

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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make a sentence
make a sentence
make a sentence
make a sentence
make a sentence
make a sentence
make a sentence
make a sentence
make a sentence
make a sentence
make a sentence
make a sentence
make a sentence
make a sentence
make a sentence
when was the last time you stayed at a friends´house
when you travel, do you usually stay at a hotel or at home?
when was the last time you got sick?
when do you get happy?
when was the last time you got confused?
when are you nervous, what do you usually do to calm down?
do you like staying home?
When do you get sad?
work - make a question to your classmate
emotional - make a question to your classmate
famous - make a question to your classmate
smarter - make a question to your classmate
worried (make a question to your classmate)
study (make a question to your classmate)
I am doing a lot of exercises. I will ____ thin.
I will ____ at the beach next weekend with my friends.
be / stay
will you ____ at home this holiday?
stay / be
He needed to ____ at the hotel until the rain passed
I ___ ____ older in a week. It´s my birthday next friday!
will be / will get
what would you do if you ____ rich overnight?
when do you ____ irritated?
I always ___ worried when I have too many tasks to do
I ___ tired right now. I didn´t sleep well last night
I ____ confused about these verbs.
am / was
look at my white hair! I am ____ older!
I ____ hungry yesterday after all that exercise.
I am going to ___ at home tonight.
be / stay