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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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you keep making mistakes
Ms. Teri tells you that you get to build a lego city for the whole session together
you don't know how to ask for help. how do you feel
your babysitter is helping you with school work and you keep leaving the table to run around the house
you want tacos for dinner but mom is making meatloaf
you can't find your favorite toy
You get the most points in a game and win
You find out that you're going on a surprise vacation!
Your night light goes out and you hear a weird noise. How do you feel?
The teacher wants to talk to my mom and my stomach starts to hurt
Dad is taking you to the lego store and you start to scream.
Mom needs you to sit still but you keep doing robot dance moves
You're teacher is talking but you keep blowing raspberries and making the class giggle
It's your first day back at school after a long break. How do you feel?
Your iPad is going to die and you can't find the charger.
You want to go home but Ms. Teri won't stop talking to Mom. How do you feel?
All of your crayons keep breaking as you try to draw a picture. How are you feeling?
you cannot sound out a word when trying to read. How do you feel?
you cannot figure out how to solve your math problem. how do you feel
you broke your lego creation and you had one piece left
your teacher asks you to answer a question in class and you don't know the answer
Your speech session is supposed to finish at 6:00 but its 6:05 and you're not done yet. How do you feel?
Your teacher is teaching something you don't understand. How do you feel?
You want to play but you still didn't finish your homework. How do you feel?