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Mission Impossible

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Prevent people from starting smoking
To begin with / Given the fact that / On the whole
No more bullying
To start off with / The best way to .... is .... / To conclude
Save the oceans
We should consider .... / What bothers me is .... / That's how I see it.
Solve illegal hunting of wild animals
First of all / No one can deny that ... / The outcome ...
Save all rain forests
As far as I'm concerned / Besides / The truth of the matter is ....
End racism now
Frankly / If I have a say in the matter ... / To make a long story short ...
No more homelessness
Unfortunately / Let's face it ... / Consequently, ....
Solve global inequality
The way I see it / However / As a result, ...
Prevent all crimes
Everybody knows that / It comes as no surprise / Let's hope ...
Stop pollution once and for all
It's a well-known fact / The facts are ... / Therefore
Fix the corruption of justice
There's no doubt ... / I'd point out that ... / Having said that, ...
Find the cure for Corona
Whether you like it or not ... / Let's not take for granted ... / Thus
Help everyone with mental health struggles
As I see it ... / Especially / We really have to ....
Solve climate change
To begin with / we have to take into account ... / All I can say is ....
End all wars
No matter how.... / We should know better that ... / Let me put it this way ...
Solve world hunger
Considering the fact .... / it's a matter of .... / I'm sure ...