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Peers final week review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You are meeting someone new. They mention that they like to read. What could be a follow up question?
"Have you read any good books lately?" "What type of books do you like to read?"
How many times should you tell a person the same joke?
Once! It can be annoying if you keep telling the same joke. After you've heard a joke once, it's rarely funny anymore.
If you ask your friend a question, should you listen to the answer?
Yes! If you don't listen, your friend may think that you don't care. Listening shows your friend that you are interested in what they have to say.
When having a conversation, it is best to talk about yourself and only things that interest you. True or False?
False! Try and talk about things that you both enjoy. If you only talk about yourself and what you like, the other person will get bored.
How do you know if someone is interested in talking with you?
Are they talking to you? Are they looking at you? Are they facing you?
What does an interviewer do? Are you trading information if someone is acting like an interviewer?
They ask question after question. You aren't trading information because the interviewer is only asking questions and not sharing anything about himself.
When you are talking with someone, it is okay to get really close to them. True or False? 
False! The other person may feel uncomfortable if you get too close.
How do you end a phone call?
Wait for a pause. Give a cover story for going. "It was nice talking to you, but I have to go help my mom with supper. I hope that we can talk soon. Bye."
Is rolling your eyes or shrugging your shoulders a good way to react if someone is teasing you? Why or why not?
Yes! Rolling your eyes or shrugging your shoulders makes the person teasing you think that you don't care. It's not as fun for them to tease you!
What is something that you could say to someone that is teasing you to act like you don't care?
"Whatever", "Yeah, and?", "Who cares"
When joining a group conversation, it is okay to interrupt and talk over someone who is already speaking. True or False?
False! Wait for a brief pause before you start speaking.
What is a cover story that you can give for calling someone?
"Just calling to see how you are." "We haven't talked in a while and I wanted to check on you."
How do you start a phone call?
Ask for the person that you are calling. Say who you are. Ask how they are. Ask if it is a good time to talk.
What is the first thing that you need to remember if you're having an argument with someone?
Keep your cool! By staying calm, you can avoid saying something that you many regret later.
What should you always say at the end of a game, whether you are the winner or loser?
Say "good game". This will show that you are a good sport. People are more likely to play games with you if they know that you are a good sport.
After winning a game, it is okay to jump up and down cheering, "I'm number one!" . True or False?
False! It may make the person you are playing with feel bad, and they may not want to play with you again.Â