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Opposites 3

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you say 遅い(おそい)in English?
How do you say 弱い(よわい)in English?
How do you say 短い(みじかい)in English?
Which is slower? A car or a bicycle?
A bicycle
Which is faster? Me or a car?
A car
Which is hotter? An ice cream or a pizza?
A pizza
Which is smaller? A ball or a house?
A ball
Which is bigger? Tokyo Tower or Skytree?
Which is longer? A pencil or a snake?
A snake
Which is cheaper? A car or a cap?
A cap
Which is easier? Running or flying?
Who is taller? You or a giant?
A giant
Which is newer? A Nintendo Switch or a 3DS?
A Nintendo Switch
Who is younger? Me or you?
Who is older? Me or you?
Which is colder? An ice cream or a hotdog?
An ice cream
Which is hotter? The Sun or the earth?
The sun
Which is weaker? A Hippo or a rabbit?
A rabbit
Which is stronger? A bear or a gorilla?
A bear
Which is slower? A koala or a sloth?
A sloth
Which is faster? A Cheetah or A horse?
A cheetah
Which is smaller? An anteater or an ant?
An ant
Which is bigger? The Eiffel Tower, or a girl?
The Eiffel Tower
Which is shorter? A Cat or a gorilla?
A Cat
Which is longer? A Pencil or a guitar?
A Guitar