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Essentials 1 Lesson 1 and Lesson 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are you from the United states? a- Yes, I do b- No, you aren't c- Yes, I am
Yes, I am
I am from Canada, I am ________ a- Canades b- Canadish c- Canadian
a- play sports b- get up early c- have breakfast
get up early
a- Study b- Live c- Speak
a- Good morning b- Good afternoon c- Good night
Good night
How is it going? a- My name is Paul b- Fine, thanks c-Time to go
Fine, thanks
What is your last name? a- It's Pedro b- It's Mateus c- It's Smith
It's Smith
This is _______ cell phone . a- an b- a
Do you study at Fisk? a- Yes, you do b- Yes, I am c- Yes, I do
Yes, I do
WATCH TV a- true b- false
a- true
Do you have breakfast every day? a- Yes, I do b- Yes, I am c- Yes, you do
Yes, I do
This is a Pen. a- true b- false
Where are you from? a- Yes, I am b- I am from Spain c- Yes, I do d- I am from Spanish
I am from Spain
Do you surf the net? a- Yes, I do b- Yes, I am c- Yes, you do d- No, you don't
Yes, I do
He is Japanese. a- true b- false
A- true
Are you from Brazil? a- Yes, I do b- Yes, You are c- Yes, I am
Yes, I am
This is a ___________. a- pen b- backcpack c- pencil case
pencil case