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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The doctor suggested that his patient ___ (stay) home today
I heard that the Browns are thinking of ___ (live) in another country.
Find the mistake: She has worked here in 2009.
since 2009/ she worked
Correct or incorret: Dan, whose girlfriend is traveling, was seen at a restaurant with a blonde woman.
Send this email _____ (relative pronoun) it may concern.
to whom
How ____ money do you have in your wallet?
Correct or incorrect: Bob was working for 1 hour when the telephone rang.
Peter called me to get ____ information about the event.
some/ a piece of
Inversion: She rarely goes to the supermarket by herself.
Rarely does she go to the supermarket by herself.
Passive voice: My mom gave me a bike for my birthday.
I was given a bike/ A bike was given to me
Susy got a new job in another city. She _____ (move out- future) next weekend.
is moving out
Use the emphatic form: She really enjoys reading books.
She does enjoy reading books.