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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say if it's present or future: She will always buy a pack of chips when she goes shopping.
The key: Present (Sorry, but you get KABOOM)
Make up a sentence expressing your arrangement to play tennis with Judy tomorrow. Use the word ‘playing’.
The key: We’re playing tennis with Judy tomorrow.
Make up a sentence expressing your prediction of a probable fall in prices. Use the word ‘probably’.
The key: Prices will probably fall.
Make up a sentence expressing your intension to have a rest. Use the word ‘going’.
The key: I’m going to have a rest.
MAke a prediction based on the present evidence.
The sky is grey, it's going to snow later. (Sorry, but you get KABOOM)
Choose the correct alternative: A: I’m trying to move the cupboard but it’s very heavy. B: Well, I help/will help/am going to help you then.
The key: will help
Put in ONE missing word: My brother is engaged. He is __________________ to get married in June.
The key: due
Correct the mistake: I’m going to Spain next week. I send you a postcard.
The key: I will send you a postcard.
Rephrase: You are almost 100 percent certain it will be cold tomorrow.
The key: It's likely to be cold tomorrow. (Sorry, but you get KABOOM)
Correct the mistake: I’m hungry. I think I have something to eat.
The key: I think I will have something to eat.
Choose the correct alternative: Sorry, I’m in a big hurry. My train is going to leave/leaves/will leave in 15 minutes.
The key: leaves
Put in the missing word: There’s a firework display tomorrow. I am __________________ to watch it.
The key: going