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Midterm Review - Level 5

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mention something that is NOT ROCKET SCIENCE
Mention something that you would like to GET RID OF
Create a sentence using COULD in INTERROGATIVE form.
COULD + subject + verb in simple form + complement
Create a sentence using SHOULD in NEGATIVE form.
Subject + shouldn't + verb in simple form + complement
FUTURE CONTINUOUS ----------- In 2 years I will be ______________
verb (ing) + complement
Complete the question --------- Would you mind if ____________?
subject + verb in simple present + complement
Complete the question --------- Would you mind ________?
verb (ing) + complement
Choose the correct option ------- He always makes/does me feel good.
Choose the correct option ------- I usually make/do my laundry on Sundays.
FURURE REAL CONDITIONAL --- if she ____________, she will ___________.
If she (gives me a kiss), she will (like it).
FUTURE REAL CONDITIONAL ----- If _________, I will do my best.
subject + verb in simple present + complement
Answer using EITHER ------------ A) I didn't get mixed up with the answers. B) _____
I didn't either.
Answer using NEITHER ----------- A) I haven't been to another country. B) ____
Neither have I.
Answer using TOO ----------------- A) We will get a good grade today. B) ______
We will too.
Answer using SO ------------------ A) I love that movie! B) _____
So do I
You (must not/could not) feel stressed with this game... enjoy it and have fun!
REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS --------- He should critize ______; he’s not perfect either.
REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS ------ She hit _____ when she tried to kill a fly.