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Review March Trimestral Exam

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The next image represents what type of fungi?
Mutualistic fungi.
Mention 2 types of reproduction in fungi.
Budding, fragmentation, spore reproduction.
The next image represents what type of fungi?
Parasitic fungi
The next image represents what type of protists?
Is a protein that can cause infection or disease.
Survival method of bacterias that consist of a structures are resistant to harsh environments.
Mention the 3 general shapes on prokaryotes.
Cocci (spherical or round) Bacilli (rod shaped) Spirilli (spiral shaped)
Viruses can be unicellular or multicellular : True or False
This organisms can survive to extreme environments.
Are the most abundant organisms on Earth
How many Kingdoms are classified?
From which continent is believe that the first ancestors of humans appear?
What are the main threats that make the primates be endangered? (at least 2)
Loss of tropical habitat, Human predation, Low reproductive rate
What type of social behaviors are present on primates?
Communicating and grooming
Mention 1 of the main characteristics that represents primates.
They have flexible hands and feet, they have large brains.
On which sense primates rely more on?
The picture best represents what type of adaptation?
Is the process through which populations of living organisms adapt and change, and can lead to new species.
Natural selection.
Is the idea tat life arises from nonlife.
Spontaneous generation
If during cell division the sister chromatids fail to separate properly this results in a __________.
An individual who is heterozygous for a recessive disorder is called a ________
There are only dominant genetic disorders: True or False
Is the organism’s alleles pairs. Ex. BB, Bb, bb.
Form of a single gene passed from generation to generation.
An organism wit with two different alleles for a particular trait is _______ for that trait
Which of the next option best discribes an homozygous dominant allele: Rr, RR, rr
Mention an example of trait.
Each characteristic, such as hair color, height, or eye color, etc.
Who is the father of genetics?
Gregor Mendel