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The Nanny

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Fran and Val were _______ and forgot the paint.
in a rush
Fran has to paint the billboard or she will ________.
make a fool of herself
Why does Fran call Val?
Because she thought Mr Shefield was her secret admirer and so she put up a billboard.
Fran eats a __________ in under ten minutes.
five course meal
Niles gets angry at Mr Shefield because…
he left him out of the scoop about asking Fran on a date.
What is it that Fran finds in her purse?
A card from a secret admirer.
What’s Mr Shefield doing on Valentine’s day? Why? What does Fran suggest him?
He's going to be working because he doesn't have anyone special enough. Fran suggests him to put himself out there and ask someone to be his valentine.
What does Fran think about Valentine's day? Why does she change her mind?
She thinks it's a commercial holiday. She changes her mind when Jeff asks her on a date.