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FCE verb patterns

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is there a TV programme you can't help ................ even though you don't think it's good? (watch)
Is there a film you're looking forward to...........at the cinema? (see)
Do you think you'll carry on............ English next year? (study)
Have you ever had to stop............a type of food because you were allergic to it? (eat)
Do you remember ........... your best friend for the first time? (meet)
Would you rather...........an e-book or a printed book? (read)
Can you imagine............. to another country? (emigrate)
Would you prefer............ a week on the beach or a week in the country? (spend)
to spend
Are there any apps that you'd recommend ............? (get)
Is there a city of country that you really fancy ...........? (visit)
Do you have a good memory, or do you something forget ........ things? (do)
to do
Did you parents let you..........in the street when you were a child? (play)
What kind of things do you tend........about? (worry)
to worry
Is there anythin that you think you ought to give up........?(do)
Is there any kind of housework you can't stand........?(do)
If you really hated your friend's partner, would you pretend...... him/her? (like)
to like
Do you ever get the chance to practise .......English outside the class? (speak)
to practise
Could you manage...........for a week without your phone? (live)
to live