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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am a cup but you don't drink from me. I am a small cake but still as yummy. What am I?
a cupcake
Why did the boy put candy under his pillow?
He wanted sweet dreams.
I am always sweet and sugary. I am hard to bite but I melt with some licks. What am I?
A lollipop
A bird that is also a popular symbol of Valentine's Day.
What animal has the biggest heart? (Hint: It lives in the ocean.)
a blue whale
20 pts!
What kind of flower would you never give on Valentine's Day?
What did one volcano say to the other on Valentine's Day?
I lava you!
I am soft and fluffy but I am not a pillow. You like to hug me and bring me everywhere. What am I?
Teddy Bear
I can be in a bowl or on a cone. You can lick me or scoop me. What am I?
Was Valentine a saint?
What did the emperor do to marriage?
He banned/ forbid it.
How many cards are sent on Valentine’s Day each year? 500 million, 1 billion, 2 billion, 10 billion 1 billion
1 billion
What do the X’s and O’s in XOXO stand for?
Hugs and kisses.
What happened to Saint Valentine and his jailer's daughter?
They fell in love.
Before he was executed, Saint Valentine asked for what?
A pen and a paper.
What happened after the emperor found out that Saint Valentine secretly married couples?
He was imprisoned/ sent to jail
What did Saint Valentine do about the couples who wanted to marry?
He married them in secret.
Which century did he live?
Third (3rd) Century
Where was he from?
Rome, Italy
What Was Valentine's job ?
a priest