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Can / Could / Be able to - AB1

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you tell him your problem he might __________ help you.
be able to
Sally wasn't at home, but I _________ contact her at her office.
was able to
Yesterday I lost my keys and I looked for them everywhere, but I _________ find them.
After 6 hours climbing, we___________ reach the top of the mountain.
were able to
When he was 40, he ___________ speak six languages.
I hate ___________ understand my French neighbors.
not being able to
After 2 years in China, I __________ speak quite fluently now.
Can you read this for me? I _________ see without my glasses.
I hope to _____________ speak English very well after this course finishes.
be able to
My mother tells me that her grandfather was one of the best musicians of his time in the city and __________ play the piano like a professional.
The house was totally empty all day yesterday and I ___________ finish that book I was reading.
was able to
When I was very young, I used to ___________ touch my toes, but I can't now!!
to be able to
Despite the arrival of the storm, they_____________ finish the football match
were able to
When the car drove into the lake, one of the passengers ______________ (not) open the door and had to be rescued.
This telephone is terrible. I ____________ (not) hear you at all.
Kevin lived in Italy for six years, so he must_____________ speak Italian quite well. He will help you with your homework.
be able to
I have to go to a business dinner tomorrow night so I______________ (not) come to the party. I'm very sorry.
When he was only 2, my friend Lee ___________ speak quite well.
could speak
My brother __________ cook very well. He is a chef in a French restaurant.
I haven't_____________ concentrate recently at work. I don't know what it is.
been able to