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A2 Polynomials: Naming, Adding, Subtracting

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What is the perimeter of the triangle shown?
What is the perimeter of the rectangle?
What is the standard form of the polynomial, 9x^2 + 5x + 27 + 2x^3
2x^3 + 9x^2 + 5x +27
(6b^3 + 6 - b^4) - (8b^3 - 6b^4 + 2)
5b^4 - 2b^3 + 4
(3y^2 + y^3 - 5) + (4y^2 -4y + 2y^3 + 8)
3y^3 + 7y^2 - 4y + 3
(4n^4 - 8n + 4) - (8n^2 + 4n^4 + 1)
-8n^2 - 8n + 3
Simplify the expression. -4(9 + 3x) - 4(x - 2)
-7xy + x + y + x - 3xy
-10xy + 2x + y
(4x^2+ x) - (x^2+ 2x)
3x^2 - x
(2x^2 + 5x - 7) + ( 3 - 4x^2 + 6x)
-2x^2 + 11x -4
A monomial with a degree of 0 is called _________.
In the expression 4x - 12, what is 4x?
A term
What do you call each part of an expression that is separated by a + or a -?
A letter that represents a number is called a _____.
The number before a variable is the _____.
Classify by degree of polynomial: 24xy + 18
quadratic binomial
Classify by degree of polynomial: 7x²y +5xy - 2
cubic trinomial
quintic polynomial
Classify: x³ + 3x
cubic binomial
Classify: 2n³
cubic monomial
Classify: 2x⁴+14x³−2x²
quartic trinomial