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Comm1 u6 phrasal verbs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We'll have to _______ ____ early in the morning if we want to get there before dark.
set off
I went to sleep soon after I'd _________ ____ at the hotel.
checked in
Dad, I'm going out. I'm ________ ____ ____ Tony.
meeting up with
You should enter that competition. They're __________ ____ a car!
giving away
I've been completely exhausted lately. I need to ______ ________ for a while.
get away
Francesco phoned. Could you ________ _____ _____?
phone him back
Hurry, the plane is about to _____ _____!
take off
I'm sorry, I'm so busy today I think we'll just have to _______ ______ our meeting.
put off
I'm having problems making up my mind but I'll just _____ _____ the blue one.
go for
My friend is coming to visit this weekend and I have to ______ him _____ around town.
show / around
So how many people __________ ____ for the demonstration?
showed up
You don't have to drive me all the way. Just ______ ____ ______ at the petrol station.
drop me off
-With this whole coronavirus situation I've completely forgotten what it's like to _____ ____. -Yeah I know what you mean. And the restaurants may have to close down as a result.
eat out
-Can I _____ ___ _____ for dinner? -Sure. Just let me _______ ____ first.
freshen up
-Do you want to go out on a date with me? -Sure -Great. Shall I ____ ___ _____ at 7?
pick you up