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2nd grade Trivia review
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Muscles, bones or joints: which helps us move?
Muscles help us move
The leg bone is called (the pelvis, ribs or femur)?
Bone, muscle or joint: Femur and humerus
They are bones
How many hours are there in one day? (full sentence)
There are 24 hours in one day
Bones, joints or muscles: which ones help us move and bend?
True or false: bones support the body and protect our organs
Name 3 non-living things
Rock, car, house, etc...
Do you have curly or straight hair? (full sentence)
I have ____
Say something that is an unhealthy snack
candy, soda, cake, etc
Tell me everything you can about your favorite animal
My favorite animal is _____
What is in the center of our solar system?
The sun
Name as many types of family members as you can in 20 seconds. Mother, father, ___
brother, sister, grandma, grandpa, cousin, aunt, uncle
Are muscles hard or elastic?
They are elastic
Is the sun a star or a planet? (full sentence)
It is a star
Name 3 joints in your body
neck, shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, ankle, etc
Talk for one minute about a tiger
Name an animal that is a mollusc
octopus, snail, mussle, etc
name 2 animals that are reptiles
crocodile, snake, lizard, etc
Name 3 things you can't do
I can't ___
Name 5 things in your backpack
books, pencilcase, pencil sharpener, rubber, markers, etc
Describe your house
Name two unhealthy habits
Watching too much TV, playing video games, eating junk food, etc
Name two healthy habits
exercise, drinking water, eating healthy, sleeping, etc
True or false: a rock is a living thing
All living things need food, water and ___ (starts with an a)
True or false: trees are living things
Name the four seasons
Winter, spring, summer, fall (autumn)
Say three things you don't like to do
Name the five senses.
Sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste
Name something that is a healthy snack
apple, carrot, yogurt, etc...
Ask me any question you want?
How old are you? (answer with a complete sentence)
I am ___ years old
What day of the week is tomorrow?
The body is divided into 3 sections: head, __ and limbs.
True of false: the sun orbits the Earth
Are bones flexible or rigid?
What's the weather like today?
Name 2 things you can wear on your feet
shoes, socks, sandals, flip flops, slippers...
Name 2 types of precipitation
rain, hail, snow, sleet
What do you call a person that studies the weather?
A meteorologist
Name 3 animals that lay eggs
Name 3 mammals with 4 legs
Describe these people
Name something you can wear on your face
glasses, sunglasses, makeup etc...
Name something you can wear on your head
a hat, headband, hair clip, etc
Name 3 pieces of clothing
shirt, pants(trousers), socks, shorts, skirt, etc...
What are you wearing today?
I am wearing ----
Describe your town
It has got ----
Name 3 types of furniture
sofa, table, chair, wardrobe, etc
Name 3 rooms in a house
living room, kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, etc
Name 3 foods you don't like
Name 3 things you like to do in your free time
Count from 1 to 20 in ordinal numbers (first, second, third...)
Say the days of the week
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Say all the months of the year
January, Februrary, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
Name 3 artificial features of a landscape
Roads, bridges, lighthouse, buildings, ports, etc
Name 3 natural features of a landscape
(mountains, rivers, lakes, plateus, valleys, etc)
What instrument is used to measure temperature?
A thermometer
True or false: There is only one kind of precipitation
false, there are different kinds of precipitation
When you break a window made of glass, is that a reversible or irreversible change?
It is an irreversible change
When you melt chocolate, is that a reversible or an irreversible change?
It is a reversible change
What is an igloo made of?
An igloo is made of ice
Which planet is called the red planet?
Mars is called the red planet
Which is closer to Earth: the Sun or the moon?
The moon is closer to Earth
Is metal a natural or manufactured material?
It is a manufactured material
Name 3 places in a town
Name three types of transportation
Name 3 jobs
What time do you go to school?
I go to school at ____
How many planets are there? Name them
There are eight planets