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"Foul" by Paul Hoblin Chapter 2

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does Ryan do to relax during the phone call?
Take a deep breath
What is one of the two reasons the man says Ryan needs to make his free throws?
Either he will score more points, or people will get hurt
What is something that you need to work on in your life?
Describe something that you are not so good at.
What is something that you think you are good at?
Describe something you are good at
Who do you think is calling?
Describe the man
How does Ryan start to feel during his phone calls with the guy on the phone?
Angry, annoyed
How many more points would Ryan have scored had he made his free throws?
10 more
How many points did Ryan score in the game?
What part of basketball is Ryan really bad at?
Free Throws
What is Ryan's middle name?
What does Ryan eat as his after game snack?
Granola Bar
Who does Ryan think is calling him before he answers the phone?
The recruiter
When have you ever wanted some peace and quiet?
Describe that time
What does Ryan do as his "post-game routine"?
replays the highlights of the game in his head.
Why did Ryan wait to leave after his matches?
To avoid the fans, to get some peace and quiet
How does Ryan describe the locker room?
Smells like stale body odor, but peaceful