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World Series Champions Houston Astros

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Who proposed to his girlfriend on national television after their World Series win?
Carlos Correa
Which Astro was a first round draft choice in the 2015 MLB June Amateur Draft from LSU?
Alex Bregman
Who is leading the home run count at 39 for the year when the AL West division title was clinched?
Alex Bregman
Which Astro is one of four players since 1901 to lead his league in both hits and steals in the same campaign before age 26.
Jose Altuve
Name the two Astros pitchers who are up for the 2019 Cy Young Award.
Justin Verlander and Gerrit Cole
Who scored 3 home runs against the Los Angeles Angels on Sunday Sept. 22 to help clinch the AL West division title?
George Springer
Which Astro was featured on the cover of Sports Illustrated in 2014 as MVP of the 2017 World Series?
George Springer
In 2017 the Astros became the first franchise in MLB history to have won a pennant in both the NL and the AL. True/False
The Astros were first established as the Houston Colt .45s in what year?
In 2013 the Houston Astros moved to the American League West division. True/False