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Welcome Back! Part. 2

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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CHALLENGE: Ask a friend: "Você vê seus primos na Páscoa?"
Do you see your cousins on Easter?
CHALLENGE: Can you name some relatives?
CHALLENGE: Can you name some holidays?
QUESTION: What time do you have English class?
I have English class at 11 o' clock.
CHALLENGE: Say in English: "Está tarde. É meia noite."
It's late. It's midnight.
QUESTION: What time is it?
It's seven o'clock.
CHALLENGE: Ask a friend in English: "Você quer comer pipoca e assistir desenho animado?"
Do you want to eat popcorn and watch cartoons?
CHALLENGE: Say in English: "Eu quero o controle remoto. Eu quero assistir aquele canal."
I want the remote control. I want to watch that channel.
CHALLENGE: Say in English: "Eu quero comer salada de beterraba. É gostoso!"
I want to eat beet salad. It's tasty!
CHALLENGE: Name a few vegetables.
CHALLENGE: Say in English: "Eu consigo dançar. É divertido!"
I can dance. It's fun!
CHALLENGE: Pergunte à um amigo em inglês: "Você consegue jogar xadrez?"
Can you play chess?
CHALLENGE: Say in English: "Eu consigo ver um leopardo grande."
I can see a big cheetah
CHALLENGE: Can you name some wild animals?
CHALLENGE: Say in English: Eu consigo tocar guitarra mas não consigo tocar bateria.
I can play the guitar but I can't play the drums.
CHALLENGE: Can you name some music instruments?
CHALLENGE: Can you name the 4 seasons?
Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.