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LH BEG Mid-course revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tell the directions to the nearest bus stop.
Tell the directions to the nearest supermarket.
Describe the classroom using there is/are
Explain when do we use SOME and ANY
We use SOME in positive/affirmative sentences. We use any in negative sentences and questions. We use them with plural nouns.
Name 10 places in town
a cinema, a cafe, a restaurant, a theatre, a shop, a station, a museum, a market, a park, a hotel
Translate into English: Сработало!
It worked!
Translate into English: Что случилось? Что не так?
What's the matter?
Where do we put adverbs of frequency? I am late (always). I drink coffee (never).
after the verb to be, before the main verb
Name 10 drinks
tea, coffee, milk, juice, beer, wine, hot chocolate, water, cola, lemonade
Name 15 food items as you can
apples, bread, beans, cheese, chicken, orange, cereal, pasta, fish, eggs, noodles, rice, potatoes, tomato, onion
Object pronouns
Present Simple
Free time activities
Name the eighth month of the year
Name the second month of the year
What seasons do you know?
winter, spring, summer, autumn
Verb phrases
What's the time?
It's quarter to one.
What's the time?
It's half past one.
Describe a person
She's got red long curly hair. She's got blue eyes. She's got a black jumper.
Describe a person
He's got glasses. He's got short dark hair. He's got a brown jacket and a blue shirt.
How do you call your sister's mum and dad?
How do you call your brother's son?
How do you call your grandmother's son?
dad/ uncle
How do you call your mother's sister?
this/that/these/those https://wordwall.net/resource/58
Change letters to make a word: sdhopeahne
Change letters to make a word: sritasehwt
Translate into English: Точно, оно!
That's it!
Translate into English: Теперь твоя очередь.
Now it's your turn.
Possessive adjectives https://wordwall.net/resource/6283617/module-2-lesson-5-quiz-possessive-adjectives
Question words: https://wordwall.net/resource/4906968/u2-lesson-2-question-words-quiz
Portuguese - country?
Norwegian - country?
What is it?
a suitcase
How do you say "добро пожаловать" in English?
Welcome to Sam's cafe!
How do you say "пожалуйста" in English?
You're welcome!
What's his job?
an architect
What's her job?
an engineer
Say the nationality of person from Japan
Say the nationality of person from Argentina
Say the number 713
seven hundred and thirteen
Say the number 234
two hundred and thirty-four