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I think...because... .

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you like pizza? Why/why not?
I like/don't like...because... .
Do you like spiders? Why/why not?
I like/don't like...because... .
Do you like this sofa? Why/why not?
I like/don't like...because... .
Do you like cats? Why/why not?
I like/don't like...because... .
Why can't he go to the cinema with us?
I think that...because... .
Why can't he buy a new car?
I think that...because... .
Why is he happy?
I think that...because... .
Why is he eating so much?
I think that...because... .
Is he watching TV? Why not?
I think that...because... .
Why is the car shining?
I think that...because... .
Can she run fast? Why/why not?
I think that...because... .
Why is it sleeping?
I think that...because... .
Why is she quiet?
I think that...because... .
why can't she swim?
I think that...because... .
Does she like music? Why?
I think that...because... .
Why can't she take the cup?
I think that...because... .
Who is the imposter? Why?
I think that...because... .
Why is she cold?
I think that...because... .
Why is he tired?
I think that...because... .
Why is he crying?
I think that...because... .