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INS M2 - Globalisation

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Give one example of unethical effect of globalisation
lower salaries, exploiting the poor, more waste and pollution, loss of moral values
How has globalisation changed?
From raw materials -> Factories -> supply chain -> digital goods
Globalisation can lead to a loss of jobs and lower salaries - True/False
Globalisation has brought the world closer together by allowing for active exchange of goods and .................... ??
services, knowledge, culture, languages
Globalisation has made products and services: a. More expensive b. Less expensive c. More costly to produce
An advantage of globalisation is that it creates more competition True/False
Give one example of a negative impact of globalisation
unemployment, exploitation, pollution etc
Give one example of a positive impact of globalisation
More jobs, sharing resources, helping poorer countries, sharing knowledge, broadening mindsets etc etc
Globalisation has always had positive ethical impacts True/False
What are the 4 types of globalisation?
Social, political, economic, cultural
Globalisation started in the: a. 15th century b. early 1900s c. 1945a. d. 1980s
Globalisation in the 1950s and 1960s was mainly in: a. Textiles b. Factories c. Raw materials d. Supply chain
Globalisation reduces tolerance, respect and understanding - True/False
Globalisation encourages cultural exchange - True / False
Name 4 causes of globalisation
Trade agreements, developments in transport, communications and technology, international labour (and other resources)