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Nervous/Circulatory and Respiratory Systems Revi ...

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Where are the blood cells actually made?
Bone marrow of the Sketal System
We breathe in oxygen, but both the Respiratory and Circulatory System help get of this gas which can be harmful to us if we have to much
Carbon Dioxide
After your senses are stimulated they pass information through these
Why is one of our lungs bigger than the other?
To make room for our heart.
Main organ of this system which is full of interconnecting tubes and air sacs which allow us to take in air.
Reason why we have hairs in our nose?
helps keep dust out of your lungs
Reason why we have hairs in our nose?
helps keep dust out of your lungs
Main parts of this system- Nose, Mouth, Trachea, Lungs and Diaphragm
Respiratory System
Job of this system is to help the circulatory system deliver oxygen all over your body.
Respiratory System
Muscle of the Cardivascular System- about the size of your fist
Blood Cells in the CIrculatory system which help fight germs that get into your body.
White Blood Cells
Blood vessels that connect veins and arteries together.
Blood vessel that brings blood back to the heart.
Blood Vessel to takes blood away from the heart.
The job of this system is to deliver blood, oxygen and nutrients where they are needed and to take away waste products.
Circulatory System
How many types of blood are there?
Three main parts of this system are heart, blood and blood vessels.
Circulatory System
The organ which controls and coordinates actions and reactions, allows us to think and feel, and enables us to have memories and feelings.
The Brain
What is the name of the system which is closely related to the Nervous System which releases hormones and chemicals to tell the brain important information?
Endocrine System
Name the 5 main senses.
sight, taste, touch, smell and hearing
True or False-The messages your brain sends travel very slowly.
Its main parts are the brain, spinal cord and nerves.
Nervous System
Which system controls how messages are sent from and to the brain?
Nervous System