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Systems of Equations in Real Life

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Given the scenario provided, what does an answer of H = 2.25 and C = 1.19 mean in context? (Typically cost vs. amount)
The cost of hotdogs is $2.25 and the cost of chips is $1.19
Given the scenario provided, what does an answer of D = 24 and Q = 76 mean in context? (Typically cost vs. amount)
There are 24 dimes and 76 quarters
Given the scenario provided, what does an answer of D = 12 and B = 1 mean in context? (Typically cost vs. amount)
DVD's cost $12 and Books cost $1
Given the scenario provided, what does an answer of A = 5 and S = 3 mean in context? (Typically cost vs. amount)
5 adult tickets and 3 student tickets
Given the scenario provided, what does an answer of S = 98 and L = 57 mean in context? (Typically cost vs. amount)
98 small lemonades and 57 large lemonades
Determine the SETUP for the system of equations described.
5H + 3C = $14.82 and 7H + 6C = 22.89
Determine the SETUP for the system of equations described.
D + Q = 100 and 0.10D + 0.25Q = 21.40
Determine the SETUP for the system of equations described.
3D + 4B = 40 and 1D + 6B = 18
Determine the SETUP for the system of equations described.
A + S = 8 and 7.25A + 5.50S = $52.75
Determine the SETUP for the system of equations described.
S + L = 155 and 1.25S + 2.50L = 265
Determine the SETUP for the system of equations described.
x + 3y = 24 and 5x + 3y = 36
What is the first step for solving a system of equations by elimination?
Equations "lined up"
What is the first step for solving a system of equations by substitution?
One equation x = or y =
What is the first step for solving a system of equations by graphing?
Equations in slope-intercept form
What are the 3 methods of solving systems of equations?
Graphing, Substitution, Elimination