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Rubbish & Recycling

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you think of another word for a landfill site?
A dump
What's the verb we use to mean: "reuse"? And how is it spelled?
Complete this expression: "goes ___ ______ " = to not be used as planned, to be put in the garbage
to waste
Where can you find "tuna" in a supermarket? (Name of the container)
In a tin
What is "waste"?
Material outputs from a system that are not useful or consumed
What's the phrasal verb that we use to say: "take bags with rubbish out of the house"?
Take out
Where do we put the rubbish in the street?
In a bin
What do you call someone whose job is to collect rubbish?
Refuse collector / dustman / bin man
What's a "landfill site"?
A large area in which rubbish is left.
What's a "surplus"?
An extra
What noun do we use to mean the amount of goods available? (It is also a verb). Ex: The __________ of fruit for a supermarket
What's the difference between a "cap" and a "lid"?
A cap is for bottles and a lid is for jars
What do we call the place where mil or juice is kept?
A carton
What do we call a piece of paper, plastic or other material which covers and protects something?
A wrapper
What phrasal verb do we use to say: "put something in the garbage / trash, discard"?
throw away