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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you add class projects as experience? Yes / No
Yes, for fresh graduates
Can you put a nickname or informal name into your resume? Yes / No
Yes, provided it is not an intimate or funny one. eg. Lee Yin Mei (May) not 'little prawn'
Name three things that SHOULD NOT BE INCLUDED in a resume.
religion, marital status, birth date, horoscope, zodiac year your were born in, race, health, height, weight, place of birth
Which should you include in your resume - choose all applicable - home address / email address / handphone number / house phone number
email & handphone number
Lots of white/empty space in a resume is a bad visual. True / False
Underlining/highlighting keywords in resume will make them stand out to recruiters. True / False.
Using jargon on your resume will help demonstrate your industry knowledge. True / False
Is a career objective an optional information in a resume? Yes / No
Choose the type of font (A/B/C) that is the best for cover letter and resume - (A) Arial (B) Comic Sans (C) Brush Script
(A) Arial
How many pages should your cover letter have?
What category of word to be used to describe accomplishments and results?
Action word aka Verb
Name all four format characteristics of a successful resume.
100% true facts / no inappropriate information / produced on a computer / data in chronological order
Give three language characteristic of a successful resume.
grammatically correct / all spelling correct / formal style and language
Name two factual characteristics of a successful resume.
focus on skills / easy to read and understand / visually powerful / one page
Name 5 information that MUST be included in a resume.
Name, Contact information, Education, Work Experience, Skills.
What is a resume?
A resume is a written compilation of your education, work experience, credentials and accomplishments.