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review kelas 7

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complementary Angles measure _____ degrees.
Supplementary Angles measure _____ degrees.
Determine the area of rectangle if p = 2 cm and l = (x - 5) cm
2x - 10 cm
Expand 12(c - 2a)
12c - 24a
Determine the perimeter of this shape
6p + 2m - 7
find the measure of the missing angle
What angle pair is pictured?
Corresponding Angles
simplify 7(a + 2) - 4(1 - 6a)
31a + 10
expand 6(2a - b)
12a - 6b
Simplify 8a + 9b - 10a + 11b
- 2a + 20b
What is the coefficient of the second term in this expression 8P - Q + 4R
- 1
Which of the following are variables in this expressions 3a + 4b - 5c
a, b, c
Which of the following are terms in this expressions x - 12y + 60z
x, -12y, 60z
How many terms are in this expressions 9 + 7x + 5y - z
There are w apples in a box. How many apples will there be if you eat 3?
w - 3
- 15 - (-7) = ...
- 8
Complete the sequence of 4, 12, 20, 28, ..., ..., ...
36, 44, 52
Give these numbers in order of size, smallest first 0,83 ; 0,24 ; 8,3 ; 0,038
0,038, 0,24, 0,83, 8,3
The fraction as decimal 78/100
Find the missing numbers of 286 + ∎ = 1000