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Present Progressive for Future Arrangements

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a question using the present continuous: your dad / make pasta / tonight / ?
Is your dad making pasta tonight?
What 2 uses of the present continuous did we learn about?
1) For actions happening now AND 2) For future arrangements.
Which of these expressions IS used with the present continuous to talk about future arrangements?--> YESTERDAY / AT 6 O'CLOCK / NOW / USUALLY
Make a sentence using the present continuous: Tom and Paul / not go on holiday / next month.
Tom and Paul aren't going on holiday next month.
Make a sentence using the present continuous: Jane / study for a test / next Thursday.
Jane is studying for a test next Thursday.
Which of these expressions is NOT used with the present continuous to talk about future arrangements? --> TOMORROW / NEXT WEEK / AT THE MOMENT / TODAY
She __________ (leave) tomorrow morning on the first train.
is leaving
I ________ (meet) Charlie for a beer later.
am meeting
I ________ (have) lunch with Paul tomorrow.
am having
We ________ (visit) the Louvre next week. We've already bought the tickets.
are visiting
My grandma _______ (make) my favourite pizza for my birthday.
is making
We _________ (travel) on a cruise to Jamaica next month.
are travelling
I _________ (meet) Gina later today.
am meeting