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Volleyball Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do Plank Jack 10 times
You did it!
What direction should players rotate?
How many hits are you allowed on your side before you must get the ball over the net?
3 Times
The opposing team performs High Knee 10 Times
Nice Job!
The opposing team performs Sit Up 10 Times
Well Done!
The opposing team performs Squad 10 Times
Nice Move!
All water Break 1 Minutes
The opposing team performs Jump Jack 10 seconds
Nice Move!
Do Squad Jump 10 times
Good Job!
If we play until the fourth set and the score is the same how many points are in the fifth set ?
15 Points
How many points do you need to get to win a set?
25 Points
in starting the match what is the first step the team should take?
How many sets are there in volleyball?
5 Sets
How many skills are there in volleyball ?
Set, Attack, Dig, Serve, Block, Pass
How many players are on on a team (actually playing on the court)?
6 Players
What is the name, sports equipment in the picture ?
Knee Pad