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Oral Recitation Part 1

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It is the presence of contractions of sufficient strength and frequency to effect progressive effacement and dilation of cervix between 20 and 37 weeks of gestation.
Preterm Labor
A type of dysfunctional labor, results when no descent has occurred for 2 hours in a nullipara or 1 hour in a multipara
Arrest of Descent
Classical sign of placenta previa
Painless contractions and passage of bright red vaginal bleeding
An OB-Gyne procedure to evacuate the product of conception from the mother's uterus using vaginal speculum and cervical dilators
Dilatation and Curettage
A type of CS indication, Vaginal delivery may be possible but risks to the mother and/ or to the baby are high
Relative Indication
Painful vaginal bleeding from retro-placental site : POC is about to be aborted but not yet. It can progress to complete/ incomplete abortion depending on whether or not all fetal & placental tissues have been expelled from uterus.
Imminent/Inevitable Abortion
It refers to uterine activity that is either not sufficiently strong or not appropriately coordinated to dilate the cervix and expel the fetus.
Hypotonic Contractions
PROM confirmatory procedure that revealed a The strips will turn blue if the pH is greater than 6.0. A blue strip means it's more likely the membranes have ruptured.
Nitrazine test
Labor that is completed within 3 hours or cervical dilatation that occurs at a rate of 5 cm or more per hour
Precipitate delivery
A pregnant is having an umbilical cord prolapse the nurse should position the patient to;
Trendelenburg position
It is defined as CHO intolerance of variable severity with onset or first recognition during the present pregnancy
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
A type of CS indication, Vaginal delivery is not possible. Cesarean is needed even with a dead fetus
Absolute Indication
A type of dysfunctional labor that describes as a latent phase that lasts longer than 20 hours in a nullipara or 14 hours in a multipara
Prolonged latent phase
When gavid patient that is due fo CS has a high risk of aspiration due to short NPO period, what type of anesthesia will be given?
General Anesthesia
The classical sign of H-mole
discharge of the clear fluid-filled vesicles (grape like)
Betamethasone, a steroid preparation is given to a laboring client who is 35 weeks pregnant diagnosed to have premature labor. The purpose of administering this drug is?
Expedite lung maturity
The Age of Gestation Universal screening for GDM
24-48 weeks
Immediate management of Amniotic Fluid Embolism
Oxygen Administration
A type of PIH, Blood pressure is 160/110 mmHg; proteinuria 3–4 on a random sample and 5g on a 24-hr sample; oliguria
Severe Preeclampsia
The causes of this condition are difficulty in labor, or hyperstimulation of the uterus. Polyhydramnios is an excessive amniotic fluid.
Amniotic Fluid Embolism
A type of dysfunctional labor, occurred if there is no progress in cervical dilatation for longer than 2 hours.
Secondary arrest of dilatation
It is the expulsion of product of conception (POC) before 22nd week of period of gestation
Miscarriage/Abortion/Spontaneous Abortion
Through the aid of amniocentesis, lecithin-sphingomyelin ratio is a used to check the fetal?
Fetal lung maturity
A type of subfertility, in couples who have never conceived
Primary subfertility