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3rd grade

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say 4 things you can find at school- 讗诪专讜 4 讚讘专讬诐 砖讗驻砖专 诇诪爪讜讗 讘讘讬转 住驻专
pen, pencil, book, ruler
What begins with the letter Rr?
Rr= red- 讗讚讜诐, rainbow = 拽砖转 讘注谞谉, radio = 专讚讬讜,,,,,
Translate= 转专讙诪讜: can
驻讞, 驻讞讬转, 讬讻讜诇
Translate = 转专讙诪讜聽 聽 ball
Read: fat, cat, hat, man
fat, cat, hat, man
Read: pen , ten, hen, leg, egg
pen, ten, hen, leg, egg
What begins with the letter Gg?
green = 讬专讜拽, gray = 讗驻讜专, gorilla = 讙讜专讬诇讛, giraffe = 讙'讬专驻讛, guitar = 讙讬讟专讛
Say 4 animals
cat, dog, pig, frog, seal, donkey.....
What begins with the letter Ww?
Window = 讞诇讜谉, wolf=讝讗讘, water = 诪讬诐, watermelon= 讗讘讟讬讞