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What does he look like?

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What does he look like?
in his thirties / short, brown hair / hazel eyes / a black eye
What does he look like?
short, black hair / hazel eyes
What does he look like?
in his fifties / muscular / bald / grey beard
What does she look like?
in her teens / long, light brown hair / bright green eyes
What does she look like?
in her fifties / dark brown hair / shoulder-length, straight, gray hair
What does she look like?
in her twenties / long, wavy, pink hair with bangs / glasses
What does she look like?
in her late twenties / chin-length, straight, blonde hair / big, blue eyes
What does he look like?
in his early thirties / red hair, beard and mustache / blue eyes
What does she look like?
in her twenties / curly, black hair
What does she look like?
in her early twenties / curly, light brown hair / large black glasses
What does he look like?
in his twenties / red hair and goatee  / pale skin and freckles / a black eye
What does she look like?
in her early thirties / long, straight, brown hair  heavy/curvy/overweight