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Science Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give one example of a habitat.
Forest /Deserts /Ocean /Pond
What do you call the place where an animal lives?
Give one safety precaution in handling electricity/electrical objects.
Answer may vary.
What are the two kinds of Electricity?
Current and Static Electricity
Give an object or animal that produces loud sound.
Dog / Lion/ Answers may vary.
If the North pole of one magnet, faces the South pole of one magnet, what would happen to them?
They will attract each other.
Give one activity for the force pushing.
Pushing a box / Answer may vary
When the same poles (North poles) of two magnets face each other, what would happen to them?
They will repel each other.
Jasmine listened to music. What sense organ did she use?
What is the force that pulls everything down on Earth?
To see objects around us, what sense organ should we use?
What is the form of energy that lets you see?
Light energy
What is the form of energy that you can hear?
Sound energy
What do you call the place where something is located?
What happens when you pull an object?
It moves closer to you.
From which food group do these foods belong? (Grains, Vegetables, Fruits , Milk, Meats and Beans)
Give an object that can be attracted or moved by magnet.
Nail / screw / paper clip
What is the force that slows down things?
Name something that gives heat on Earth.
Sun/ Answer may vary
The picture shows the force ____________.
Name one object that gives light.
Sun/Flash light/ Lamp
What form of energy do our appliances, like TV and oven, need to function?
Electrical energy
James wants to be a professional basketball player, but he is short. What food should he eat to grow taller?
Milk/food rich in protein
What type of body covering does this animal have?
The picture shows the force ________________.