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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I have 20 pencils. I have _________ pencils!
I have 20 pencils. I have lots of pencils!
There wasn’t________ money for me. My father gave ______ coins.
There wasn’t any money for me. My father gave some coins.
____________________ is necessary to fill a bottle?
How many is necessary to fill a bottle?
__________ books do you need?
How many books do you need?
She’s got _______ angry dog and ______ lovely cat.
She’s got an angry dog and a lovely cat.
Would you love to drink _________ water?
Would you love to drink some water?
Can I have ___________ tea?
Can I have some tea?
Excuse me, is there _______computer free?
Excuse me, is there any computer free?
The policeman wears _____ blue uniform and ______ boots.
The policeman wears a blue uniform and some boots.
No, they aren’t watching ________ videos. They are doing ________ homework.
No, they aren’t watching any videos. They are doing some homework.
Celia isn’t wearing ______sunglasses. She is wearing ______ pink dress.
Celia isn’t wearing any sunglasses. She is wearing a pink dress.
My father is reading _______ newspaper and you are playing _______ game.
My father is reading a newspaper and you are playing a game.
There aren’t ________ penguins in the zoo but there are ______monkeys.
There aren’t any penguins in the zoo but there are some monkeys.
I haven’t got ……….. oil left. Can you lend me ……….?
I haven’t got any oil left. Can you lend me some?
Look! There is _________ elephant and _________ tiny mouse in the cage.
Look! There is an elephant and a tiny mouse in the cage.
_____________ juice do you drink every day?
How many juice do you drink every day?
_________________ sandwiches do you have?
How many sandwiches do you have?