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Pokemon moves

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this move?
What is this move?
What is this move?
Swords dance
What is this move?
Drill run
What is this move?
Rock slide
What is this move?
What is this move?
What is this move?
Rock throw
What is this move?
Stone edge
What is this move?
Midnight counter
What is this move?
Dusk counter
What is this move?
Contenial crush(yes ,wrong spelling)
What is this move?
Splintered stormshards (yep,the best!)
What is this move?
Supersonic skystrike
What is this move?
Night slash (sanpei is a weakling!)
What is this move?
Double team (i love greninja!)
What is this move?
Cut blades (cut is ok too ^_^)?
What is this move?
Flaming gigantic fire  shuriken
What is this move?not the giant
1000000 thunderbolt