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She ______________ (not to like) my dog because I ______________ (not to like) her cat
doesn't like - don't like
She ______________ (to be) my best friend last year. Now she ______________ (to be) Mary’s best friend
was - is
No, I ______________ (not to come) with you now, I ______________ (to go) with Tom
am not coming - am going
What ______________ (you – to do) when you ______________ (to see) your brother with Mary?
did you do/what were you doing - saw
My mother ______________ (to cut) my hair when our dog ______________ (to break) the window
was cutting - broke
Mary ______________ (to be) better now, so she ______________ (to go) to school this afternoon
is - is going
Mary ______________ (not to go) to school yesterday because she ______________ (to be) ill
didn't go - was
______________ (you-to be) at home when I ______________ (to call) you last night? What ______________ (you – to do) then?
were - called - were you doing
No, I ______________ (not to want) to go home now
don't want
Come on, we ______________ (to go) home now
are going
Look! That cat ______________ (to eat) all your food
is eating
Mary usually ______________ (to have) dinner at seven, but yesterday, she ______________ (to have) dinner at nine
has - had
She usually ______________ (to wear) skirts, but today, she ______________ (to wear) trousers.
wears - is wearing
We ______________ (to have) lunch when your cousin ______________ (to come) to see us
were having - came
No, you ______________ (not to go) to the cinema next Sunday because you ______________ (to be) naughty yesterday
are not going - were
______________ (we-to go) to the cinema next Sunday?
are we going
Sorry, I ______________ (not to know ) you ______________ (to be) here
didn't know - were
What type of music ______________ (you – to like)?
do you like
When ______________ (you – to buy) this dog,? It ______________ (to be) very nice.
did you buy - is
I ______________ (to be) sure I ______________ (to see) him last night at the disco
am - saw
I ______________ (to be) sorry, I ______________ (not to know) where you ______________ (to be) at home last night
am - didn't know - were
Where ______________? (we – to be)
are we
Where ______________ (you – to put) my shoes last night, mum? I can’t ______________ (to find) them.
did you put - find
We ______________ (to leave) our bags at school yesterday
What ______________ (to be) the time now?
We ______________ (to go) to the theatre next Sunday
are going
What ______________ (you - to do) next week?
are you doing
She ______________ (to visit) her aunt next week
is visiting
I ______________ (not to be) at home when you ______________ (to call) me last night
wasn't - called
Mary’s cat ______________ (not to be) hungry now because he ______________ (to eat) all my lunch this morning
isn't - ate
My sister ______________ (not to have) breakfast this morning
didn't have
I usually ______________ (to have) cornflakes for breakfast
My mother ______________ (not to give) me a packet of sweets this morning, she ______________ (to give) me an apple
didn't give - gave
I ______________ (not to have) a cat when I ______________ (to be) six years old
didn't have - was
I ______________ (to have) an accident last month
Mary ______________ (to wash) her hair when her mother ______________ (to call) her
was washing - called
How much ______________ (to be) these shoes? I ______________ (to like) them very much
are - like
Tom ______________ (not to be) my friend
Mary ______________ (to wait) for you in the kitchen
is waiting
Please, be quiet, I ______________ (to talk) to your aunt on the phone
am talking
I ______________ (to have) a party next week
am having
My friend ______________ (not to eat) vegetables, he ______________ (not to like) them
doesn't eat - doesn't like
I ______________ (to live) in New York
Where ______________ (you - to live)?
do you live
She ______________ (to be) very beautiful when I ______________ (to see ) her last week
was - saw
I ______________ (to do) the washing up when you ______________ (to call) me
was doing - called
I ______________ (to go) to the zoo this afternoon
am going