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[Grade 8 - Old] Unit 11 - Travelling around Viet ...

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Could you turn down the radio? (mind) → Would you ...?
Would you mind turning down the radio?
The caves are magnificent. They are mentioned in the brochure. → The caves ...
The caves mentioned in the brochure are magnificent.
Can I talk to you about our project? → Would you mind ...?
Would you mind if I talked to you about our project?
The girl studied very hard. She passed the exam. → The girl studying ...
The girl studying very hard passed the exam.
A boy is sitting by the window. I don't know him. (sitting) → I don't know ...
I don't know the boy sitting by the window.
Is it all right if you take care of the children? → Do you mind ...?
Do you mind taking care of the children?
The taxi broke down. It was taking us to the airport. (taking) → The taxi ...
The taxi taking us to the airport broke down.
The taxi broke down. It was taking us to the airport. (taking) → The taxi ...
The taxi taking us to the airport broke down.
Is it all right if he uses your phone? → Would ...?
Would you mind if he used your phone?
Do you mind if I close the door? → Would ...?
Would you mind if I closed the door?
Would you mind if I took a photo? (Do) → ...
Do you mind if I take a photo?
The baby is crying for her mother. She is sitting in the stroller. (sitting) → The baby ...
The baby sitting in the stroller is crying for her mother.
The story is very interesting. The story was told by my teacher. (told) → The story ...
The story told by my teacher is very interesting.
Do you know the woman? The woman that's talking to John. (talking) → Do you ...
Do you know the woman talking to John?
The car is very expensive. It was made in Japan. (made) → The car ...
The car made in Japan is very expensive.
May I ask you a question? → Would you mind ...?
Would you mind if I asked you a question?
accommodation / it's difficult / at busy time / to find
It's difficult to find accommodation at busy time.
the wind / started to blow / and the rain / became heavier
The wind started to blow and the rain became heavier.
they decided / one afternoon, / to paddle around / in a canoe / Xuan Huong Lake
One afternoon, they decided to paddle around Xuan Huong Lake in a canoe.
importing flowers / she is / from Vietnam / thinking of
She is thinking of importing flowers from Vietnam.
can you / to use/ give me / on how / some instructions / a computer / ?
Can you give me some instructions on how to use a computer?
the museum / the paintings / haven't been / stolen from / found yet
The paintings stolen from the museum haven't been found yet.
asked you a / would you mind / few questions / if I/ ?
Would you mind if I asked you a few questions?
is very / traveling / interesting / around Vietnam.
Traveling around Vietnam is very interesting.
the front seat / would you mind / of the taxi? / sitting in
Would you mind sitting in the front seat of the taxi?
and dangerous water / overturned and / the canoe / into the deep / everyone fell
The canoe overturned and everyone fell into the deep and dangerous water.